Friday, January 31, 2014

That Not So Alone Ranger

Okay so let's think back to the story of The Lone Ranger Fistfight in Heaven thing. Funny thing about that story is, I'm just like him. Hold on guys, let me rephrase that. Alright, I'm somewhat like him. No, I'm not Native American. I have a lot in my bloodline-which most of us do- but that's not the point. As the strong independent Black woman that I am, you can Imagine how hard it is being educated. Black people have this stereotype that we are all supposed to live in the "hood" or at least talk like it. We are supposed to dress, act, and even dance a certain way as African Americans. Well I, myself, disprove every stereotype ever placed on Black people, and it's not because i'm trying to "act white" in any way, shape, or form. It's because I was raised to be above the stigmas placed on us as a society of people. I don't talk "Ghetto" unless I'm playing around. I can't twerk, unfortunately, though i'm not too sad about it. I'm extremely outgoing and bubbly, which is a trait not seen in too many black people. My style is conservatively quirky. its like Beyonce meets Taylor Swift. My hair is real. As a matter of fact i don't think i've ever had weave in my entire life. But that's me. Everyone is different, but because of the way I am, I can relate more to white people than I can to most people from my own race. It's not a conscious decision, because I make friends with all types of races but I would say my friends are 80% white, 15% Black and 5% other.  What does this have to do with the lone ranger? Well obviously he has been discriminated against, and stereotyped. He also likes white people but he's always seen as the sidekick. That's pretty much me. Have you ever wondered what it was like being the token black friend? It has its moments, lets just say. I have grown to not mind it as much, but I felt where he was coming from in this story. The black people back on the "Reservation" aka "The Hood" do want me to succeed, so no pressure there. Like the lone ranger, I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life, and I also have a job that isn't even great. It's just something to get by. Hopefully, I turn out better than he did anyway. Overall, I titled this "That Not So Alone Ranger" because although I'm also the sidekick and the ranger, clearly I'm not alone. I have way more friends than this guy did from multiple races. Also I know I'm not the only black girl out there that doesn't always fit in for not being ratchet, and to those girls, I say, be my friend.


That strange black girl named Destinee

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