Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wedding Proposal Dream Team

So, the other weekend, Me and 3 friends drove to Virginia Beach together at 9 at night to help someone with a wedding proposal. We set up a tent on the beach at night and the beach was completely empty and peaceful. We set up Tiki torches and colorful lights to make a path and we hang pictures of them from the top of the tent and taped "Will You Marry Me" to the back of the tent. We then assembled our instruments. My ex-boyfriend played the box drum, his friend played the Ukulele, and I, and my friend sang the song "Will You Marry Me" by Jason Derulo. When we heard then coming, walking down the beach, we began to sing and when she reached the tent she was so shocked and happy, she stood there with her hand to her mouth. When we reached the chorus of the song he got down on one knee and said the most heartfelt speech he could manage. When she said yes, we then began to create our own song. that only had the lyrics "She Said Yes" it actually sounded pretty good. Expect it on iTunes pretty soon. :) and thats my story of how we made someone's dream come true. and they all lived happily ever after..... except this was last week so they're not even married yet, but you get the point. The End!

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